Monday, April 12, 2010


1.What is a dreamweaver template? A website document with editable areas that have been controlled by the website author.

2.What are the advantages of using templates?Allows users with little knowledge of webdesign to edit a website. It is also a quick way to update multiple pages at once.

3.What is an editable region? A section on the template that the user can edit. How is it set up? Insert > template objects > editable region

4.What is a repeating region? A section of the document that is set up so that the template user can add or delete copies of the editable region such as a table with repeating rows. How is it set up? Insert> template objects> repeating region then select templates > new repeating region.

5. What is an optional region? A section of the website/template that holds text or image, the template user has the control to either show or hide the region.

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